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Legions of Bile at Unconquerable - Photo tournament report.


Unconquerable aimed, and may be the hardest event in 40k history (debatable claim for sure)- an invite only event where tickets were only eligible to those who had managed to go 5-0 at a UKTC event in the past year. I had managed to get an invite due to my performance at the 2021 LGT, ending up 5-0 at with my Iron Warrior/Death Guard list and also managed a second qualifying event for my Birmingham performance with Tyranids (write up for both on site for those interested.) Given the quality of players on display there was a certain recalibration of expectation - even with some great personal results in the last year I was going into the event with a desire to go 3-2.

Warp Talons, Possessed and Nurgle Chosen take the fight to the Leviathan bugs.

Those savvy among you may realise that's the name of this site, and was my personal tournament desire when originally starting playing competitive 40k, but 4-1 is very much the aim at a 'normal' event these days. With calibrations suitably set I decided to go again with a Creations of Bile list.

My list:

First a disclaimer - for those eagle eyed amongst you a powerfist cannot be taken on the Chosen Champion (without battlescribe updated to correct me I misunderstood the difference between "A Chosen model" and "A model in a Chosen unit") thankfully this was cleared up with the TO prior to the event starting and my opponents were informed before each game - Thanks to Michael Costello who informed me on the evening before and saved a potentially awkward moment during the event. Otherwise the list has a couple of new additions since last time - some Warp Talons and Terminators are out, a second squad of Chosen are in (to be a target for Illusory Supplicant if the first squad die) a Havoc Squad is in so I can have a shooting phase (and also needed to allow 3 cultists squads) a Biker squad with Black Mace comes in for some extra reach and a Venomcrawler is in - more so because of remaining points rather than a desire for them to be in the list.

Game 1:

Opponents list (Thomas Lowman):

Mission: Abandoned Sanctuaries

My secondaries: The Long War, Specimens of the Spider, Warp Ritual

Thomas's Secondaries: No Prisoners, Scry Future, Behind Enemy Lines.

Pregame thoughts:

Good and bad here. The good size - decent mission with 3 midfield objectives helps try and force Ynnari into a conflict in the middle where my durability helps and mitigate their speed to a degree and I can hopefully use fight on death to make trading really difficult for them. The bad is the sheer volume of mortals they can put out, especially targeted ones. The ugly could be summed up WTF do I do about the Ycarne and decided to try and ignore it at the start and wait for it to expose itself at a time I could deal with rather than get my head around it teleporting around could negatively affect me in the early turns.

Bile set up - important stuff hidden, Cultists in the open
Bikers/Havocs had my greatest threat range so ensured they were hidden as best a possible, and out of range of D-Cannons
Blurry photo of D-Cannons protected by Quins to try and stop a turn 1 charge/tagging.
Ynnari home objective - sparsly defended but no easy way to get to from my perspective.
Ynnari hiding on the top left flank.
Overview of deployment before Ynnari use phantasm to redeploy the D-cannons to the far flank.
Ynnari take first turn, removing a heft chunk of cultists and taking position.
I'd hoped Bikers may be able to shoot a troupe squad to death and kill the other in combat, this was a very wild over prediction.
Lots of early death, but Ynnari hold the right objective thanks to obsec troupe
In the middle chosen take position and get ready to strike out.
Ynnari turn 2 in progress, with my right flank getting destroyed.

Troupe squad in the middle retakes the objective but elects not to charge to avoid Fight on Death - denies primary but its a loss of a big asset to Ynnari next turn.

Chosen take the middle and right objective - the right one is key as the just tag a Shadowseer behind a wall - if it falls back it can't cast and I can use a strat to consolidate and cause havoc.
Possessed swarm over the left (Banshees out of shot behind the wall ready to strike.)
There they are!
Ynnari have alot of firepower, but there trading pieces are running out.
Yncarne teleports to my backline...
Teleporting during my turn over to were the large Harlequin troupe died last turn and prepares to duel the Prince.
Scores pretty even at this stage, although secondaries pressure is in my favour.
Reverse shot of battlefield - one squad of banshees has to find a way to deal with 2 Possessed not lose the flank.
Ynnari swoop into the middle.
Big moment - Shadowseer remains in combat to stop other units bieng tagged, but Chosen can activate in combat and pile into the Troupes as the bottom to claim the objective in Ynnari turn.
I forgot to Transhuman the left Chosen here and the D-Cannons take a huge toll.
Banshees prepare to charge into Possessed, one Possesed survives and all Banshees are killed to leave me with the left flank.
Chosen are slaughted in the shooting phase and Ycarne finished them and the Prince off who fails to come back to life (stupid 1 on dice.)

Slaanesh Chosen finish taking the objective and are in a great position to do some Havoc.
Ycarne teleports for what felt like the 70th time in the turn back over to contest the right flank as the middle is devestated.
Ycarne is the last unit that can retake points so now is the time to play around her teleports and I throw every buff available on the Chosen to try and kill it, but leave it on 3 wounds.
Possesed kill a ranger unit and tripoint the second to cause problems for Ynnari.
3 objectives held only by a single model as both sides run very low on assets.
Ynnari are feeling the pinch as well as D-Cannons have to move up to take objective
Shroudrunners were a pain all games, annoying to kill, grabbing secondaries, denying primary here and mowing down my cultists.
Chosen take out Ycarne and right flank is secure.
Possessed kill the Rangers, take the objective and take the D-Cannons as the game swings decisively towards Chaos.
Lone Possessed (near my dead pile) hold the left objective

Master of Possesion moves upfield to try and get some Warp Ritual points - both of our Warpcraft secondaries ended badly with 9 points between us.
D-Cannons get stuck in a loop of falling back and getting charged now.

Chosen keep battling away.
Possessed is still a hero, holding the objective by himself
Possessed charge the D-Cannons to string out to the middle objective as Chaos take the win.

Result - 85-72 win.

Postgame thoughts: Real tough game, and a delight to win. Ynnari always fights first v Bile's fight on Death is a really interesting contrast in how to win the fight phase. Two really critical moments in the game - a Possessed squad managing to keep a single model alive after a Banshee charge to take the left flank and hold it, and the Slaanesh Chosen managing to pile into a Shadowseer on the right and threaten a Consolidate if it fell back - and when it didn't they were able to pile into a Troupe unit to remove obsec from the objective to steal it back for a big swing on primary. The game plan worked well although not exactly to plan - I envisaged the two Chosen blobs holding on for longer, but the constant damage kept chipping away and it ended up being a couple of very small things that kept me in the game.

Game 2 David Gaylard

Opponents List:

Mission: Data Scry-salvage

Secondaries: The Long War, Specimens of the Spider, Banners,

David's Secondaries: No Prisoners, Banners, Mental Interrogation.

Pregame thoughts: Game 2 of the event, and the number 2 rated player in the UK as my opponent, things weren't getting any easier. I'd played him once before (Crusher v Thousand Suns, also written up on this site) and the game was over as a contest at the end of his first turn - so the only way was up? This was my worst mission as well, and against a list with more speed, shooting, mortal wound output obsec and resilience this wasn't going to be good, and I was pretty prepared for a loss. The plan was to try and get the chosen into the warrior as fast as possible and really try and let their mass damage one attack grind through them and hope from there.

Chaos hiding as best they can behind walls.
Overview of the battlefield after deployment
Nids deployment - cowering from my terrifying Havocs.
Screened by Harpies and Zoanthropes the Warriors advance
Warriors and Nuerothropes move up on the right
Going into Chaos turn 1 casualties are light and there are some long charges available into Nids.
3 medium - long charges later and a promising position - Chosen and Possessed start to try and whittle down the Warrior squad whilst Warp Talons tear into the Harpy.
Possessed take out Zoanthrope unit to slow down the mortal wounds.
Lots of charges but not a great deal of dead models on the right.
Nids start to take defensive positions on the left and go into Fall back and charge imperative.
Harpy precision bombs the Chosen and heals up via strat as Warriors fall back
Nids shooting starts to clear the left flank of threats and leaves the Warriors safe.
End of Chaos turn two - can't flip either objective and run out of units very quickly.
Havocs look cool from the top, but actually they can't shoot much over the lower obscuring ruins. They do pick off most of the wounds of a Harpy and the heroic cultists take out the last wound.

Going into my turn 3 Nids were about 20 points ahead. I could stand back and take points to keep the score manageable or go all in on a crazy play with little reward...
So to try and keep pace I charged the Hive Guard, piling into the Warriors tanking a round of combat to try and either force a fall back and so I could charge in again next turn, or keep them in combat and fight first.

It kinda works - the Warriors fall back, but the Hive Tyrant is free to come in and the Chosen even fully buffed start getting picked off.

On the middle/right things are very sparse for Chaos, hence the risk!

Hive Tyrant kills the chosen, but in there attacks back the powerfist leaves the Hive Tyrant on 7 wounds. I manage to inflict another 10 with the Accursed weapons and there is a long shot for a late upswing in points. David makes 10/10 4+ invuls to shut the dream down!

Result - 85-53 loss

Postgame thoughts: This was always going to be an uphill battle. After my turn one though I thought there was a chance - I'd gotten in some decent damage, got some field position and a strong follow up could see me put real pressure on the Nids. David however took the hit well enough and essentially stopped me from ever landing that follow up blow - stabilising the early hit before crushing a flank. The secondaries were what killed me - the primary was almost even but my best secondary score was lower than David's lowest score (8-9 both Banners scores) and was perhaps best encapsulated with me getting a solitary point on The Long War - I didn't flip control of an objective all game and only managed to kill a Venomthrope unit on an objective. Was happy enough with how I played - it was a tough match up on a tough mission and I didn't feel there were any clear mistakes in my game (The Chosen willingly tanking a round of Warriors a calculated risk given the gamestate. )

Game 3 - Death and Zeal

Kyle Grundy's list:

My Secondaries: Warp Ritual, The Long War, Specimens of the Spider

Kyle's Secondaries: Decisive Action, Retrieve Nachmund Data, No Prisoners.

Pregame thoughts: So the oddities of the format was that despite a loss, I ended up going up to face Kyle - going from 2nd ranked in UK to top Tau player was pretty tough - especially as I was due to play Drukari before a redraw occured due to someone in our pod playing each other already (I'd explain the format more, but honestly I couldn't say I understood it.) Tau might be Bile's toughest matchup as it removes the best part of actually playing Bile with fight on deaths a non-factor in the game. The mission was helpful however - 5 objectives is always my preference for this style of list - doubly so into Tau where I can hopefully bully the centre. Otherwise ignore the big suits unless a opportunity presents itself and murder any/all chaff possible, ideally on an objective.

Chaos hiding behind any/all walls possible
Tau hiding out of Biker charge range.
Tau take first turn and prepare to drop some bombs

Plane gets danger close and between the two of them take out 4 bikers
Bomb rolls were hot killing several chosen
Rest of Tau moves up cautiosly behind lining up shots onto my bottom right side
Dead pile at end of turn one.

Chaos start moving up in response.
Both planes are taken out by Prince/Warp Talons with some assistance from Havocs. Ordering of combats was important to allow consolidating back towards cover/LoS screens.
Cultists take top objective, they aren't long for this world.
Cowardly Tau hiding 25+ inches away from my Chosen at all times.

Some Kroot retake the top objective and I get a rare charge off with the Chosen at the top off, whilst the Slaanesh chosen try and screen the Prince to allow him to complete his ritual as they get blasted.

Tau turn 3 - all the big guns are fine and I can't close the gap without fear of getting obliterated.
Chaos hunkering down as best as possible just trying to survive in the middle.
Taking out the planes early meant I didn't have to be worried about my backfield and allowed me to move a cultist/Havoc unit up.
Oh yay...I get to charge some drones....
Its hard to narrate excitedly for Tau - here they are lining up more shots from the other side of the board. There they are doing the same again. Can admit its good play though.
Crisis suits briefly get close before jumping back.
Chosen and Prince get killed by the onslaught so Drones take the objective.
Prince revives and gets a second ritual off, Chaplain moves into the middle and I manage to charge the Riptide with my Prince/Bikes (I wanted to charge the Crisis's but the overwatch was too scary.) I kill the Riptide and the Talons tag the commander poentially stopping him from falling back.
Apparently unholy power isn't much match for a Burst Cannon. Also a close up of my terrible handwriting on my notebook.
Tau get close with some Stealth suits to complete RND
Tau commander makes a big roll to fall back from the Warp Talons. Everything Chaos in picture is dead by end of Tau turn.
Cultists manage to retake the middle objective. Nurgle Chosen are hiding in the top left ruin on the objective. I couldn't get anything up to replace them so they had to spend the game sitting on the objective and listening the carnage.
Havocs clear out the Stealth Suits, choosing to not shoot there guns so they could get some Specimens points by killing the suits in combat.
Master of Possession makes a late dash for the middle, completing Warp Ritual, Long War and Specimens in a single turn and allowing me to hold more for a 15 point swing at the end by himself.

Result - 86-87 loss.

Postgame thoughts: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGH so close. We must have recounted the points 5/6 times after (and about a million times by myself on the car journey home)- if I'd failed to revive a single chosen model (so it couldn't have been killed again) it would have ended in a tie due to one less no prisoner point, the game was that close. As it turned out I had won the primary game by 7 points, but lost the secondaries by 8. I really, really can't think of a secondary that would have got me the extra point or an additional chance - Kyle played a great game of keep away and all I could do was try and sit on objectives and survives, I only made one charge into anything that wasn't chaff (killing a Riptide) and I really can't think of a different secondary that would have got me the extra point if the game had played out the same way. There was a huge moment were the Tau Commander got tagged by the Warp Talons, and a failed roll of might have swung the game in my favour, but from a tactical perspective rather than a dice, i'm not sure I could have done much differently (moving Nurgle Chosen into the middle would have been ideal, but I couldn't get anything over to replace them on the north left flank.) The game was a frustrating one to play throughout, not becuase of the result or player (Kyle was a blast to play) but becuase Tau made all the decisions of what to go, and who got charge/shoot whilst my lack of reach in comparison was ruthlessly exploited - perhaps best demonstrated by at the end of the game Tau's clock had expired whilst mine had another 34 minuites remaining showing how much more game they had got to enjoy - not a timing issue, just an example that they were able to roll all the dice whilst I could only sit on an objective and hope the primary pressure forced a mistake.

Game 4 - Tide of Conviction

Dom Maidlows list:

My Secondaries - Specimens of the Spider, No Prisoners, Banners

Dom's Secondaries - Specimens of the Spider, No Prisoners, Banners

Pregame thoughts - The most mirror of mirror matches. Same secondaries, same legion, about 95% the same list. To be honest, I didn't have that much of a plan going into the game as to how I wanted to play other than roll better dice. I had a vague - try and use charges for movement more than damage given both of us fight on on death and I did make an effort to hide cultists at the back to ensure I had access to obsec if the fighting broke out over my objectives late on rather than use them as a screen. Both of us really, really wanted to go second here for the late game upswing on mission points, sadly I 'won' the roll off and had to go first.

After my turn one - trying to put myself into a position to strike next turn.
Dom's deployment on the right flank
Early clash as evil twin identical biker units clash.
More identical clashes as Possessed fight Possessed.
Left flank was a stalemate for opening turns, I has less points this side but a better unit and both of us were happy letting a stalemate occur for now
Crawler tries to take out the Cultists (and failed hilariously miserably) and MoP goes into Chosen before popping his Exlier to keep them in combat/prevent moving next turn.
Shoot up 8 cultists and even with a CP re-roll the Venomcrawler fails to kill a single cultist in combat.
Surprising no one there were much more charges in this game than the Tau game.
I try and wait out a turn were Dom's Chosen fail a key buff - here they fail Illusory Supplicant and my Prince is in position to attack.
Left flank is completely stationary still. Tau would be proud.
The ball of hateful death awaiting me if I move upfield - I can't take the objective away from that many bodies + obsec.
So your Chosen kill my Chosen, who fight on death kill your Warp Talons, who Fight on Death kill my Warp Talons, who fight on death attack your Chosen. Then its my Chosen's turn to activate.

Hugely messy combat on the right, my Daemon Prince charges into the frey to give me an edge and my left Chosen move up slightly to threaten the middle right objective.
Otherwise the flank remains still.
Fight is slowly going my way on the right, but my objective is under alot of pressure and Dom's aren't under any

Another identical twin Fight and Daemon Princes clash.
The left flank springs into action.
Discolord joins the frey - I didn't want to tangle with him given how tough he was - was pretty sure he would just tank whatever unit he chose for the entire game.

Messier fight in 40k history continues in a bloody stalemate.
Dom took the point from me and I had to charge my Havocs in to reclaim it (about the only thing they did this game.) With obsctales gone, my Possessed finally make a move upfield to get some pressure going on Dom's objectives.
I start winning battles on the left, but the war is a stalemate with end game scoring in sight.

Right flank collapses under pressure although some Cultists hiding in the building keep the objective mine for now.
Last turn and Dom is freed up to go all in on my home objective for decisive swing.

Postgame thoughts: This is the game I look back on with the most regrets. In terms of small scale decisions I'm happy but my vague game plan was wrong and the indecision left me with a more defensive game plan that hurt. Going second was in effect the difference between the two sides - going into turn 4 Dom had a 3 point lead (not counting the no prisoners tally which was pretty equal but counted at end of game) which ballooned out with the end game scoring which would have probably been reversed if I'd gone second. However - I knew that was the case going into the game and I didn't play around it, playing defensively and keeping the score level until the end when I needed to be more aggressive - I probably needed the Slaanesh and Nurgle chosen swapped around, and then to be more aggressive with the Slaanesh Chosen in particular but it is a struggle knowing exactly what I could have done to put the pressure on. A very good game with probably the most crazy fight phases i'll ever experience - Unit A charges and kills unit b, who fights on death and kills unit 3, that kills more of B and some of D that then kills unit A and then Unit B actually gets to fight.

Game 5 - Secure Missing Artefacts

Michael Costello's List:

My secondaries: No Prisoners, Specimens of the Spider, banners

Michael's secondaries: Enage on all Front, No Prisoners, RND

Pregame thoughts: 3rd game in a row against a member of Vanguard tactics! aPretty confident about this one - me and Michael had played a couple of weeks before on a similar mission with similar lists and Creation of Bile's chapter tactic and secondaries are just so much stronger head to head. The secondaries pretty well sounded out our game plans - I wanted a head to head fight over the centre, whilst Michael presumably wanted to avoid this with focus on corners for EoF/RND and to hit with more precision strikes.

Creations of Bile after T1 movement - Bikes in the middle for counter charge threat with Chosen getting ready to contest middle/lower right objective. Possessed's speed allows for some early banners placement.
Havocs start there best game and kill a Night Lords Chosen to start the game.
Yes that is a beautifully painted Land Raider on the table, and yes it did have a very good game.
Night Lords/Middle right flank was cautious with worry about extending on two flanks into a meat grinder.
My Chosen had all 3 potential buffs (Illusory Suplicant, Delightful Agonises and +1 toughness all fail) in what happened to be a trend of buffs not going off this game and Night Lords tried to take advantage of the Chosen at there most vulnerable
Night Lords Chosen on the far right fail the roll to get RND on the bottom right quater.
Some low rolls on both sides - Havocs charge into Cultists to try and retake the objective but only kill 6 to leave me with the objective and potential of early 12, but the remaining 4 all flee to stop that! A frustrating if apt reaction to Cultists fighting Night Lords.

Bile's Bikers try and mostly fail to dent the legionaries behind the wall but tag the Land Raider to stop it shooting freely.

Top left objective is a bloodbath - I sacrifice 2 possessed to force the Night Lords Master of Executions to pop his Exlier whilst the Warp Talons take out the rest of Night Lords presence on the flank.
Havocs move up, having killed another Chosen to keep there 'hot' streak going.
My Possessed charge into Night Lords Possesed whilst my Chosen camp out on the objective to ensure Night Lords can't retake it without being in engagement range of them to try and deny obsec bodies easy access.
Night Lords were struggling in middle and both flanks and needed a miracle to keep up and got one - passing 6/6 5+ invulnerable saves against the Prince before murdering him (he got better) to deny me some primary and give Nightlords a welcome boost.
Despite there stroke of luck, Nightlords had to deal with an encamped Bile force, with a mostly combat army.
Night Lords Cultists had a chance to take out the Prince on a wound, but cruically he lived. The Possesed charged my Havocs but the Havocs withstood the barrage well and killed 2 Possessed back.
I tried to get smart and block the Discordant in with my Possessed/Venomcrawler but messed up the positioning badly and left a space for it to get to my Chosen.

The two twin Princes collide and both die in the resulting combat.
Despite my mistake letting the Chosen get charged, they high roll with there powerfists into the Lord Discordant and the volume of attacks manages to pick it up in a welcome surprise as I win the battle for the right flank.

Fight in the middle also goes my way, but the Land Raider takes it pound of flesh. Tagging it repeatedly over several turns it murdered its way through a Cultist squad in combat and shot out the Dark Apostle/Master of Executions. It emerged triumphant, but too late on the scoreboard to matter.
Havocs fall back from possessed repeatedly to keep control of the objective.
Final turn position as Night Lords marginal gains come through, but too late to affect outcome.

Postgame thoughts: So the game plan broadly worked here - I bullied the primary whilst the secondaries were essentially even. As expected Fight on Death provides such an advantage that even with a few low rolls on leadership for a surprisingly high amount of attrition damage it allowed a comfortable win. When the Night Lords Possessed squad high rolled there saves and killed my Prince it allowed them back into the game and if the cultist squad had managed to snipe the Prince after he revived it could have been a different game - as it was it threw some jeopardy into what was looking like a very comfortable win. In the same way I look back on my round 2 game and think the match up mission meant I don't think I'm likely to ever win that, the same in reverse is very much true of this one that I'm very heavily favoured in it.

So I finished up 2-3, below what I'd hoped for but respectable enough given the calibre of opposition and had I managed one more point against Tau a 2-1-2 would have been a very good result.

In terms of the list - the Prince, the Slaanesh Chosen were incredible and a clear mainstay going forwards and were always the MVP's, with Warp Talons and Possessed pretty close behind. The Master of Possession and Chaplain were both really good - but I felt both were overkill, I think dropping one and adding back the Lord Discordant I had previously added back in more speed that I was kind of lacking. Master of Possession is easier to replace the effect of (adding a legionary squad to cast Delightful Agonises) but dropping them makes me less eager to take Warpcraft secondaries with no fall back if the Prince is killed - I think if I drop the MoP then dropping the Prince as well and going down the route of hoping Abhor is a option is probably the way to go, albeit one that I don't like and does leave me vulnerable to C'Tan/phase lock wound equivalents.

In the middle tier - Cultists did their job as ever with a highlight of killing a Harpy (ok taking the last wound off a Harpy) so they can go back saying they had a successful tournament. The Nurgle chosen experiment was fine - the option to Transhuman didn't come up alot, and going back to terminators for some deep strike threat is a decent side grade - not sure one is better than the other but if I did drop the Prince in the above line of thinking then they would probably go as well (The Prince often ended up casting -1 to hit the Chosen.) The Master of Executions goes here as well - he's too cheap to put in bad, but he didn't have a great tournament really. He's really good, but this kind of list just doesn't really need him, a nice points filler but eminently skippable and I'd be tempted to drop the elixir on him to have a CP as it would give me the option to reserve some cultists to maybe open up some secondary options instead.

In the low tier - the Havocs. I didn't have the highest expectation for these and they didn't add enough - virtually no attrition damage from these and I'd rather have another brawler threat than them as I'm not sure there's a shooting option that can do better than them (allied flamers might disagree with this though.) The Bikers were also pretty underwhelming - one of my more expensive units and most of the damage is in 4 powerful but high variance swings. Their threat range is great, they cause opponents headaches to play around and I think I need something to replace them in that role, but I ended up not a fan of them. The Venomcrawler was pretty average as well - decent unit, but needs more support/similar profiles to get the best of - aware of this going into the event and it was hoping that putting it on a flank might draw heavy guns out of position/away from my valuable stuff but didn't really materialise. Needs a few more similar profiles to get the best out of, again a good unit just in the wrong list.

In terms of changes I'm tempted to go a bit more Daemon Engine heavy - adding some Helldrakes for reach and some Venomcrawlers to help add durability/ensure I do have a shooting phase and make no prisoners less appealing. The problem is I also want to have more Warp Talons, and there's only 3 fast attack slots to take. Havocs get dropped, and the Nurgle chosen probably gets downsized to a 5 man terminator blob to ensure points, with maybe a legionnaire squad with Icon taking the place of master of possession to allow a Discolord to come back in, although I keep flip flopping if I like the idea or really hate it. Still with LGT on horizon plenty to experiment with (even without thinking about including any daemon allies.)

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