Disciples of Belakor finish 10th at Southampton Super Major
I'm not sure Arks of Omens will go down as a great meta, but Demons and Disciples of Belakor in particular have been a joy to play in...
Hello and Welcome to Three-Two, a casual 40k blog were I try repeatedly to go 3-2 or better at random 40k tournaments/events and log my efforts for possibly my own amusement.
I'm not sure Arks of Omens will go down as a great meta, but Demons and Disciples of Belakor in particular have been a joy to play in...
Second time at Beachhead Brawl, it had ended up being the penultimate tournament I'd attended before Covid and felt like a different...
The recent data slate update didn't make me happy as a Chaos, and predominantly a CSM fan. First impressions ranged from a eh, fair...
Emperors Children have been my 'backup' Chaos army for a while know. I prefer the playstyle of Creations of Bile (pedal to the medal all...
LGT 2022 was my fifth time attending the event, although the 4th time for 40k. Its had my personal best achievement (going 5-0 last year...
With LGT on the horizon and the cricket season sadly at its end there was time for a local RTT. I've been experimenting with a few...
Unconquerable aimed, and may be the hardest event in 40k history (debatable claim for sure)- an invite only event where tickets were only...
The 9th edition Chaos codex has something that's taken me time to adjust to - a mix of annoyance at things gone, joy at things added,...
Tyranids have sat in a funny spot for me for awhile - I've collected them since mid 7th edition and enjoyed playing them in casual games...
A new year brings a new Chaos list. Since my last GT 'competitive' level event with my Lord of Skulls LGT (which incidentally the CA2022...
So this will be a different type of write up to normal for two reasons - firstly the event was a smaller tournament - the initial plan...
Fun and Fluff is my favourite tournament to attend in 40k - for those unfamiliar it's an event built around taking highlander (some...
This was my fourth time at the LGT - the third time at the 40k event (the first was a narrative 30k event.) Going into the event I...
I hadn't planned to go to back to back monthly GT's, but when there was a latish dropout and a spare ticket I decided to sign up. Given I...
Whilst I've dallied with other armies, Chaos has always been my first and truest love in Warhammer. After playing a lot of the Death...
Kent Wargames Tournament RTT (Pictures no longer work due to storage issue.) It's been awhile since I've played at a tournament, however...
So it was that my third weekend in a row was a 40k tournament! All of them were ITC using the old (2019) missions. I used the same list...
Hello and welcome to a new series - Euans Excellent(?) Eldar Experiments - Episode one. This series is intended to my thoughts on trying...
Blood and Glory 2017 was the first 40k tournament I ever went to. Back in the early days of 8th, when Brimstone Horrors and Malefic lords...
Fun & Fluff has quickly become my favorite 40k event to play in. It has a lot of things going for it - it's reasonably local, the venue...